Saturday 31 December 2011


Ramai yang bertanya kenapa kita perlu setia, sedangkan belum tentu kekasih kita itu menjadi teman hidup kita ??

Kesetiaan dalam perhubungan amat penting, ini adalah kerana kita telah mengambil amanat dan tanggungjawab daripada pasangan kita itu untuk menjadikan dirinya hanya satu dihati kita sewaktu kita mengambilnya sebagai kekasih .. Alangkah sedihnya jika amanat dan tanggungjawab yang seharusnya kita jaga itu, tidak kita tunaikan .. tidakkah ia sama dengan penipuan ?? Jangan taburkan janji jika kita tidak mampu untuk tepati dan jangan mengatakan cinta jika kita tidak mampu memberikannya sepenuh hati ..

Ingatlah bahawa hidup kita bagaikan roda, tidak semestinya kita selalu duduk di atas .. Jika kita permainkan hati orang lain, satu masa kita juga akan di permainkan .. Pada masa itu penyesalan tiada gunanya .. Setiap apa yang kita lakukan pasti ade balasan, hanya masa yang dapat menentukan ..

Untuk insan yang menjaga kesetiaan terhadap pasangan, anda adalah yang terbaik .. Jadilah insan yang boleh membahagiakan pasangan tanpa rasa jemu .. Jika anda di curangi janganlah bersedih atau berdendam, tetaplah jadi yang terbaik .. Kerana anda ada maruah diri, janganlah samakan diri anda dengan insan yang tidak setia .. Anda telah melakukan yang terbaik untuk pasangan anda ..Mereka tidak pandai menjaga harga diri mereka .. Suatu hari nanti mereka akan menyesal dan akan menyedari kebaikan yang anda lakukan ..

From : Tentang Cinta 


You are the sun in my day,
The wind in my sky,
The waves in my ocean,
And the beat in my heart ...

I miss You !!!


1) Kecemburuan
- Kebiasaan meraka curiga kepada kawan-kawan dan orang yang dicintai tanpa bukti yang masuk akal dan sebab yang munasabah; kebiasaan menuduh pasangan tidak setia tanpa alasan; mencurigai setiap orang, dan tidak pernah menaruh kepercayaan penuh kepada sesiapa pun ..

2) Mencari-cari kesalahan
- Kebiasaan suka mencari-cari kesalahan pada kawan-kawan, kerabat, rakan perniagaan dan orang yang dicintai kerana sebab yang sedikit sahaja, atau bahkan tanpa sebarang alasan ..

3) Berjudi
- Kebiasaan berjudi, mencuri, menipu atau mengambil risiko berbahaya supaya boleh memberi wang kepada orang yang dicintai, dengan keyakinan bahawa cinta boleh dibeli; kebiasaan membelanjakan lebih banyak daripada yang pendapatannya atau kerap berhutang untuk membelikan hadiah bagi orang yang dicintai, dengan maksud untuk mempamerkan sifat yang baik ..


Tidak .. bagi perbuatan yg dapat mensia-siakan umur mu, seperti senang membalas dendam dan berselisih dengan perkara yg tidak ada kebaikan di dalamnya ..

Tidak .. bagi sikap yg lebih mengutamakan harta benda dan mengumpulkannya, berbanding sikap arif untuk menjaga kesihatan mu, kebahagiaan mu dan waktu istirehat mu ..

Tidak .. bagi perangai yg mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain, mencanang aib orang lain dan melupakan aib diri sendiri ..

Tidak .. bagi perilaku acuh terhadap kebersihan dan keharuman tubuh, serta masa bodoh dengan tempat tinggal dan ketertiban lingkungan ..

Tidak .. bagi setiap minuman yg haram, rokok, dan segala sesuatu yg kotor dan najis ..

Tidak .. bagi sikap yang selalu meningat-ingat kembali musibah masa lalu, bencana yg telah terjadi atau kesalahan yang terlanjur  yg dilakukan ..

WELCOME 2012 ... GOOD BYE 2011 ...

Tahun 2011 .. Terlalu banyak kenangan pahit dan manis .. Selamat tinggal 2011 .. Kau telah banyak memberi aku kenangan dan mengajar aku erti kesabaran dan menjadi lebih dewasa .. Sekarang selamat datang 2012 .. Aku harap tahun baru nie lebih baik daripada tahun lepas .. So tutup buku lame .. Buka buku baru .. 

Friday 30 December 2011


If you love someone, tell him or her ... Forget about the rules or the fear of looking ridiculous ... What is truly ridiculous is passing up on an opportunity to tell someone that your heart is invited in him or her ...

Monday 5 December 2011


  • berfikiran jauh dan berwawasan
  • mudah ditawan kerana sikap baik
  • perangai lemah lembut
  • mudah berubah sikap, sangat banyak idea
  • bersikap sensitif
  • otak sentiasa aktif berfikir
  • sukar melakukan sesuatu dengan segera
  • sikap pemilih kerana selalu inginkan yang terbaik dan cerewet
  • cepat marah dan cepat sejuk
  • suka bercakap dan berdebat
  • suka buat lawak dan bergurau
  • otak cerdas dan berangan-rangan
  • mudah dan pandai berkawan
  • orangnya sangat tertib
  • pandai mempamerkan sikap
  • mudah kecil hati
  • mudah terkena selesema
  • suka berkemas
  • cepat rasa bosan
  • kurang pamerkan perasaan
  • lambat sembuh bila terluka hati
  • suka barangan berjenama
  • mudah jadi eksekutif
  • kedegilan yang tidak terkawal
  • siapa yang memuji saya adalah musuh saya, siapa yang menegur saya adalah kawan saya

1001 RAHSIA DIRI ...

N - Anda suka bekerja, tapi selalu mahukan kerehatan
U - Anda merasakan anda ada ciri2 istimewa setanding dengan orang lain
R - Anda seorang yang gemar bersosial
U - Anda merasakan anda ada ciri2 istimewa setanding dengan orang lain
L - Anda sangat percaya pada cinta dan mudah tengelam ke dalamnya

A - Anda boleh menjadi terlalu pendiam bila sesuatu ada dalam fikiran anda
M - Kejayaan mudah datang pada anda
I - Anda mudah senyum dan boleh buat orang lain tersenyum
R - Anda seorang yang gemar bersosial
A - Anda boleh menjadi terlalu pendiam bila sesuatu ada dalam fikiran anda


Sunday 4 December 2011


They fight like dogs
Their teeth fall out
They run in circles
And bang their heads
Their hair gets tangled
They climb like monkeys
They scribble on walls
They laugh like hyenas
They scream like banshees
They kick like mules
The squeeze me tight
They kiss me right
They are so bright
They are my little brother and sister


I just want to you know
You mean the world to me
Only a heart as dear as yours
Would give so unselfishly

The many things you've done
All the times that you were there
Help me know deep down inside
How much you really care

Even through I might no easy
I appreciate all you do
Richly blessed is how I feel
having a cousin just like you


A friend who is true
Is a friend to the end
Someone with whom
You can confide in

They will pick you up
When you are feeling down
With them there's no gaming
Or playing around

They are loyal and honest
Stand by your side
Through thick and thin

So if you are lucky
To have such a friend
Do cherish them please
To the end

Saturday 3 December 2011


I love you, Dad, 
And want you to know,
I feel your love wherever I go ..
Whenever I've problems,
You're there to assist,
The ways you have helped me,
Would make quite a list ..
Your wisdom and knowledge,
Have shown me the way,
And I'm thankful for you as I
Live day to day ..
I don't tell enough,
How important you are,
In my universe you're a bright
Shining star ..


No gift on earth is greater,
No treasure held above,
The joy comes from knowing,
A mother's endless love ..

In spite of how it's tested,
It grows from year to year,
Providing strength and comfort,
It "gently" draws us near ..

It warms and it protects us,
And guides us from a far,
Shedding light upon us,
Like a bright and shining star ..

And when all things are measured,
Not one shall rise above,
Or be compared value,
To a mother's endless love ..

Friday 2 December 2011


Puaskah kau lukai ku
Puaskah kau sakiti ku
Puaskah kau khianati ku
Puaskah hoo ... Sayangku

Di manakah nurani mu
Di mana akal sehat mu
Sekarang kau campakan ku
Setelah kau dapatkan ku

C/O :
Mungkin hanya bila ku mati
Kau 'kan berhenti 'tuk menyakiti
Sampai kapan aku begini
Terus begini
Terus kau lukai

Ingatlah saat yang lalu
Saat kau peluk diri ku
Tapi kini semua lalu
Kau tega khianati ku

Back to C/O

( Nice song .. I love this song .. This song a lot of meaning .. )

puaskah wali band lirik

A lot of meaning !!!

Wali-Doaku Untukmu Sayang with lyric

This song a lot of meaning to me !!!

Thursday 1 December 2011


Thank you for giving your heart to me
And trusting me with yours ..

Thank you for walking beside me
And for wanting me at your side ..

Thank you for thinking of me
And for always staying on my mind ..

Thank you for making me smile
And for smiling along with me ..

Thank you foe being who you are
And helping me be me ..

Thank you for each day
And night,
And for always ..



So there this boy
And the way he laughs
Makes me smile,
And the way he talks
Give me butterflies,
And just about everything about
Him makes me happy and cry ..


Adele - Someone Like You Lyrics On Screen

Like this song so much !!!


Hati terase tenang bile da habis final exam untuk year 2 sem 2 nie .. Da ilang tension x yah nk menghadap nota2 lg .. Osky pown da lps .. Pas nie tnggu result je la .. Mnx2 result x turun .. Coz ape yg aq target utk osky td kbnykn x msok .. Tp alhamdulillah ape yg aq wat mse practical bley ingt mase dlm osky .. Next week aq da msok sem baru .. X sabar rase nye nk mule an pelajaran baru .. 

Monday 28 November 2011


When you really want something,
Sometimes you have to swim a little deeper ..
You can't give up just because things don't come easy ..
You have to overcome the obstacles and face your fears ..
But in the end, its all worth while !!!
Life is full of ups and downs,
But if you believe in  yourself,
You will always come through with flying colors ..
Value friendship, love and faith ..
Never underestimate yourself ..
Believe in yourself ..



You tell me that you love me
You tell me that you wont leave me
But you turn around and do it anyways

Now I'm crying my heart out
Hoping you would hear me
But you just ignore my painful cry

Each and everyday passes by
I fake a smile to the world
But underneath my smile
Is my broken heart

All the good memories you gave me
Is all I have left of you
But its slowly fading away
As time goes by everyday
But will I get over you ???

Thursday 24 November 2011


When it hurt so bad,
Why does it feel so good ??
I wish this all made sense,
I wish I understood ..
Not having you here with me is tearing me up inside,
But I can't stop thinking about you no matter how hard I try ..

You know how I feel about you,
And I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you,
But it's so hard to do when I can't even be next to you,
Why does it gotta be so complicated ??

Loving you feels so right,
But at the same time,
Knowing I can't have you keeps me awake at night ..
I just want this to be simple,
I just want you here with me,
To look into your eyes,
Be held in your arms ... Then I'd truly be happy ..

Right now this distance between us is out of our control,
But I'm still hoping one day soon,
I'll get what I'm wishing for ..


Only open heart receives LOVE,
Only true mind receives FEELINGS,
Only soft hand receives TOUCHED,
Only special people can receives MY MASSAGES ..


I have loved you ever since I met you ..
Even you did me wrong,
Even you only caused me pain,
And made me cry for thousand times ..
I still can't stop loving you ..


It doesn't matter how far away you are from me,
because the distance only makes my love for you grow stronger ...

Wednesday 23 November 2011


Family is forever ...
No matter hoe low the valley ...
Or how impossibly high the mountain may appear ...
Your family is forever ...
Death is as inevitability as birth ...
And our family will grow ...
In heaven and upon the earth ...
Our loss is an angel's first flight ...


Mistakes are parts of being human .. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way .. So nobody is perfect .. Everyone makes mistakes .. All you can do is learn from them and try not makes the same mistakes twice ..

The past is the past .. Mistakes happen .. But life goes on, move on learn and grow from them .. There is always hope, even if it means you'll be reminded forever ..

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Berite yg menyedih an ..

Salam ..

Pada 7 November 2011 - 7.15 pg aq di kejutkan dengan satu berite yg menyedihkan .. Nenek ku telah kembali menyambut seruan illahi pada pukul 6.45 pg .. Aq terpakse menerime berite ni tabah .. Ini dugaan buat aq dan family yg lain .. Aq x sempat nk menatap wajah nenek buat kali terakhir .. Yg paling menyedihkan nenek x sempat nk berjumpe dengan anak2 mak ngah .. mereke tidak sempat nk lihat raut wajah nenek .. Hanye gambar saja yg dapat anak2 mak nagh lihat .. Nenek x sempat nk lihat cucu2 nenek yg lain memegang segulung ijazah .. Semoge roh nenek di cucuri rahmat dan di tempatkan di kalangan orang2 yg beriman .. AMIN ..


Friday 21 October 2011


Please don't tell me not to cry
Please don't say there was a reason why
You don't know what I am feeling
Or how much I hurt
The wet spots are from tears on the collar of this shirt
You think I should go on with life
Forget about it and be strong
But deep down I am sad, and I don't want to go along
I don't expect you to understand why
For no apparent reason I break down and start to cry
My life has changed forever, you see
And that is why I am not acting like the same ole me
So please don't try to act like nothing happened
Because it's changed my life forever
I will never be the same again
Not today, not tomorrow, but never
The best thing you can do for me is just be there
Just like always, my friend
My broken heart is hurting bad
And it will never mend


I love you for so many reasons
Big and small
and all of them are wonderful
I love you for all special qualities
That make you one of kind ...
The only one in the world for me
I love you for the things you do
That bring such special meaning to my life
I love you for the silent times
When your eyes and arms tell me all i want to know
Just because I do
In the deepest part of my heart ...
A place where there was nothing before


Love comes through the eyes
That help me see this wonderful surprise
I see this wonderful man
Whom of which I can always stand

Love comes through the ears
That never hear fears
They help me hear the words from you
And help me pull through

Love comes through the hands
That make you my man
Your touch creates chills
Which make me go through many thrills

Love comes through the mouth
That will one day make you my spouse
You say the right things at the right time 
Which help me keep my state of mind

Love comes through dreams
That make us gleam
I dream about life with you in it
And everything seems lit

Love comes through smiles
That extend for miles
You can see all the joy
That comes from my baby boy

Love comes through affection
That makes me feel protection
I feel safe and secure
And always come back for more

Love comes through the seasons
That give me plenty of reasons
Reasons that I Love You
And make us true

Love comes through the heart
That makes me want to never part
Your heart is all I need to get by
Without making me cry

Love comes through me
Which will set you free
I will give you all my love
That was sent as a gift from above

Love comes through you
That is always new
You come up with the sweetest things
And I know we can handle whatever love things

Love comes through each one of us
That makes us a must
I don't think I'd make it without you
And your love so very true