Friday 28 September 2012

Miss my blog...

Dah lame rasenye x update blog nie.. Rindu lak rasenye.. Biase la skg nie bz sikit.. coz tgh prctical.. Ary tu aq prctical at tampoi.. Bnyk pengalaman yg mengembira an at sane.. Mcm2 ragam aq ley tgok at sane.. Keje at sane xde la stress.. But now aq tgh prctical at Hospital Kulim.. Argh!!! Sngguh membosankan.. Lagi2 bile campur group nie.. masing2 nk tnjuk diri 2 Bgos.. Cepat la sbln nie b'lalu.. Aq da x tahan da dok sini.. One more thing, now i feel so happy with my new life.. No more stress in my life.. No boys in my life right now.. I feel better than the past.. I love my self and my life now..