Monday 28 November 2011


When you really want something,
Sometimes you have to swim a little deeper ..
You can't give up just because things don't come easy ..
You have to overcome the obstacles and face your fears ..
But in the end, its all worth while !!!
Life is full of ups and downs,
But if you believe in  yourself,
You will always come through with flying colors ..
Value friendship, love and faith ..
Never underestimate yourself ..
Believe in yourself ..



You tell me that you love me
You tell me that you wont leave me
But you turn around and do it anyways

Now I'm crying my heart out
Hoping you would hear me
But you just ignore my painful cry

Each and everyday passes by
I fake a smile to the world
But underneath my smile
Is my broken heart

All the good memories you gave me
Is all I have left of you
But its slowly fading away
As time goes by everyday
But will I get over you ???

Thursday 24 November 2011


When it hurt so bad,
Why does it feel so good ??
I wish this all made sense,
I wish I understood ..
Not having you here with me is tearing me up inside,
But I can't stop thinking about you no matter how hard I try ..

You know how I feel about you,
And I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you,
But it's so hard to do when I can't even be next to you,
Why does it gotta be so complicated ??

Loving you feels so right,
But at the same time,
Knowing I can't have you keeps me awake at night ..
I just want this to be simple,
I just want you here with me,
To look into your eyes,
Be held in your arms ... Then I'd truly be happy ..

Right now this distance between us is out of our control,
But I'm still hoping one day soon,
I'll get what I'm wishing for ..


Only open heart receives LOVE,
Only true mind receives FEELINGS,
Only soft hand receives TOUCHED,
Only special people can receives MY MASSAGES ..


I have loved you ever since I met you ..
Even you did me wrong,
Even you only caused me pain,
And made me cry for thousand times ..
I still can't stop loving you ..


It doesn't matter how far away you are from me,
because the distance only makes my love for you grow stronger ...

Wednesday 23 November 2011


Family is forever ...
No matter hoe low the valley ...
Or how impossibly high the mountain may appear ...
Your family is forever ...
Death is as inevitability as birth ...
And our family will grow ...
In heaven and upon the earth ...
Our loss is an angel's first flight ...


Mistakes are parts of being human .. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way .. So nobody is perfect .. Everyone makes mistakes .. All you can do is learn from them and try not makes the same mistakes twice ..

The past is the past .. Mistakes happen .. But life goes on, move on learn and grow from them .. There is always hope, even if it means you'll be reminded forever ..

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Berite yg menyedih an ..

Salam ..

Pada 7 November 2011 - 7.15 pg aq di kejutkan dengan satu berite yg menyedihkan .. Nenek ku telah kembali menyambut seruan illahi pada pukul 6.45 pg .. Aq terpakse menerime berite ni tabah .. Ini dugaan buat aq dan family yg lain .. Aq x sempat nk menatap wajah nenek buat kali terakhir .. Yg paling menyedihkan nenek x sempat nk berjumpe dengan anak2 mak ngah .. mereke tidak sempat nk lihat raut wajah nenek .. Hanye gambar saja yg dapat anak2 mak nagh lihat .. Nenek x sempat nk lihat cucu2 nenek yg lain memegang segulung ijazah .. Semoge roh nenek di cucuri rahmat dan di tempatkan di kalangan orang2 yg beriman .. AMIN ..